Privacy Policy

Last updated: January 1, 2024


At, we respect the privacy rights and data protection rights of our users and recognize the importance of protecting the personal information we collect about you. Our Privacy Policy is designed to help you understand what information we collect and how we use and share that information.

Who This Policy Applies To

If you are a visitor to a Website, a recipient of communications, a subscriber of a Service then except as expressly set forth below, this Privacy Policy applies to your use of such website or service.

If you are a visitor to or user of a third-party website or service (“Third-Party User”) that utilizes any communication, then any information you submit to such Third-Party User (including via the service) is collected under the privacy policy of the owner of such Third-Party User, and you should contact such owner with any related requests or inquiries you may have. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy.

Information We Collect

Registration and Contact Information. We collect information about you when you register to use our Services and otherwise provide contact information to us via email, or through our service. This information may include personal information such as names, email addresses, phone numbers, location and photos, which information may be input into our Service by you or collected by our Service.

Payment Information. When you make a purchase, any credit card information you provide as part of your payment Information is collected and processed directly by our payment processor Stripe through their Stripe Checkout service. We never receive or store your credit card information. Stripe commits to complying with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) and using industry standard security. Stripe may use your payment information in accordance with their own Privacy Policy here:

Technical, Usage and Location Information. We automatically collect information on how you interact with our Service, such as the IP address from which you access our Service, date and time, information about your browser, operating system and computer or device, pages viewed and items clicked. We may also collect location information, including location information automatically provided by your computer or device. We use cookies and similar technologies to collect some of this information which we use only to provide our services to you. We do not sell or otherwise provide this information to third parties, except as indicated below and all transmissions of this data between our website and server is encrypted.

Third Party Software. We may collect information when you interact with content on third-party sites or platforms, such as social networking sites. This may include information gathered from social networking sites or the fact that you viewed or interacted with our content there.

Other Information. We may collect other information from you that is not specifically listed here. We may use any such information in accordance with this Privacy Policy or as otherwise agreed to by you.

How We Use the Information We Collect

To Maintain and Optimize Our Service. We use this information to provide, maintain and improve our Service as well as analyze trends to optimize our Service.

To Provide Customer Service. This information is also used by us to process your inquiries and otherwise provider customer service;

To Provide Information Relevant To Your Subscription. This is information is used to send you newsletters, special offers, and announcements about new products and services.

Sharing Your Information with Third Parties

We do not sell, trade, share or transfer your personal information to third parties except in the following limited circumstances:

To Provide Certain Subscriber Services. We may share your personal information with third-party service providers to permit such parties to provide services that help us serve you, which may include assisting us with marketing, or providing, maintaining and improving the features and functionality of our Service. The data shared can include name, job title, email address, message history, company information. All third parties are engaged under contract and obliged to meet appropriate security requirements and comply with all applicable legislation. We may share your personal information with our business partners who offer a service to you jointly with us.

To Comply With Legal Requirements. We may share your personal information when reasonably necessary to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process or enforceable governmental request, enforce our Terms of Service, including investigation of potential violations thereof, or protect against harm to our rights, property or safety, or that of our users or the public as required or permitted by law;

To Detect Fraud And Address Security Issues. We may share your personal information with third parties, including our service providers and government entities, to detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud or security or technical issues;

When We Are Involved In A Corporate Business Transaction. We may share your personal information if we become involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale of some or all of our assets

With Your Consent. We may share your personal information with a third party if we have your consent.

When The Information is Anonymous. We may share information with third parties which does not identify you individually, but may include usage, viewing and technical information such as the features our subscribers their users and /or customers use, and performance metrics related to the use of our Service which we've collected. If we are required under applicable law to treat such information as personal information, then we will only disclose it as described above. Otherwise we may disclose such information for any reason.

Other Disclosure of Your Information

Our Service may also contain links to third party websites. This Privacy Policy applies solely to information collected by us. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of such third party and are not responsible for the personal information you choose to publicly post on these websites.

Your Rights and Choices

Right to Opt Out. We may provide you with the opportunity to “opt-out” of having your personal information used for certain purposes when we ask for this information. If you decide to opt-out, we may not be able to provide certain features of our Service to you.

Unsubscribe Preference. If you no longer wish to receive our communications, you may opt-out of receiving them by following the instructions included on such communications. Please note, however, that you may be unable to opt-out of certain service-related communications.

Cookies. You can remove or block certain cookies using the settings in your browser but our Service may cease to function properly if you do so.

Do Not Track. Your Web browser may have a “do not track” setting which, when enabled, causes your browser to send a do not track HTTP header file or “signal” to each site you visit. At present, our Service does not respond to this type of signal.

Personal Data. You can access, update, delete, restrict or export your personal information at any time by emailing us at If you are unsatisfied with the response you have the right to lodge a complaint with us

We may decline to process requests that are unreasonably repetitive or systematic, require disproportionate technical effort (for instance, requests concerning information residing on backup tapes), jeopardize the privacy of others, would be extremely impractical, or for which access is not otherwise required. In any case where we provide information access and correction, we perform this service free of charge, except if doing so would require a disproportionate effort.

Please note that if you cease using our Service or we terminate your access to our Service in accordance with our Terms of Service, you may no longer have the ability to access or update your information.

We may retain your information as necessary to support our Service, comply with our legal obligations or resolve disputes. Note that content you post may remain on our Service even if you cease using our Service or we terminate your access to our Service.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to change our Privacy Policy at any time. If we make changes, we will post them and will indicate on this page the policy's new effective date.


The security of your personal information is important to us. We maintain a variety of appropriate technical and organizational safeguards to protect your personal information. We limit access to personal information about you to employees who we believe reasonably need to come into contact with that information to provide products or services to you or in order to do their jobs. Further, we have implemented reasonable physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards designed to protect personal information about you. When you enter sensitive information (such as your password), we encrypt that information in transit using industry-standard Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption technology. No method of transmission over the Internet, method of electronic storage or other security methods are one hundred percent secure. Therefore, while we strive to use reasonable efforts to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

International Data Transfer

We may from time to time transfer your personal information to other countries outside the United States and make it accessible to our affiliates and third party service providers internationally. We will protect your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy wherever it is processed. has business entities in the United States and India.

Contact Us

If you have any inquiries about this Privacy Policy, please email our Data Protection Officer at