The total AI tech full-time hiring solution

Thousands of top quality pre-vetted AI TalentSync developers plus AI powered TalentSync matching and ranking Technology, reduces time-to-fill by up to 90%.

Instantly AI match jobs with a deeply-vetted, global IT talent pool

The fast growing AI TalentSync Community comprises tens of thousands of the top 1% of deeply vetted tech prospects from all over the world seeking full-time, exclusive positions.

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Create an internal auto-vetted IT candidate pipeline

Import your HR CRM data, add resumes from job boards, career pages and ads.

The AI TalentSync Technology updates candidate profiles, availability and has prospects complete coding, soft skills, cultural fit, problem solving, and English language fluency assessments.

The Technology's unbiased deep machine learning AI model ranks, and instantly matches candidates with job descriptions. Our model increases matching accuracy reducing turnover, rehiring time and expense.

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Scale confidently with explainable, unbiased AI

Advanced machine learning AI is revolutionizing tech recruiting, saving time, costs and providing higher quality results.

To promote confidence its outcomes are accurate and complaint with transparency, anti-bias, data privacy regulations and best practices, Global pros, ...more

  • Periodically checks for bias and data security in its algorithms using Independent verification.

  • Provides explainability so users understand how and where in the recruiting process machine learning AI is used.

  • Uses only first party data ( as opposed to disparate, third party parsed resume data) to optimize AI ranking and matching accuracy....less