Free IT project staffing strategies

  • Capitalize on our decade plus experience in IT project management and development including artificial intelligence and machine learning.

IT Project Staff Consulting

Reduce costs and assure successful, timely project outcomes

Develop a staffing strategy

Based on your specific project needs, we'll create a customized staffing plan to assure success at the least cost over the project life. The strategy will include a staffing timeline assessment as well as suggestions for risk management.

Be confident your IP is secure

Your IP security is our highest priority. From NDAs to IP rights agreements, Global Pros assures the utmost in IP and data security.

Staff your plan faster

AI match staffing needs instantly with the top 1% of the worlds most qualified tech talent from tens of thousands of deeply vetted candidates in our AI TalentSync Community.

How it works

On signup you'll meet your staffing consultant who will determine your specific project staffing needs and develop your staffing strategy.

Once your consultant reviews your project, he or she will develop a project staffing proposal for your review.

Once you approve the proposal, you can AI match your staffing needs with candidates in our AI TalentSync Community and hire within days, not weeks or months.

Candidates work exclusively for you full time.