Create auto-vetted tech pipelines

Use our Al TalentSync Technology to substantially lower cost and time to hire metrics while automatically creating deeply vetted, in-house tech talent pipelines.

Discover hidden gems

Your data on existing and past tech employees, prior applicants and new candidates is a treasure trove of potential cost savings which just needs to be curated.

Global Pros AI TalentSync Technology automatically updates their profiles and availability, as well as deeply auto-assesses past employees, prior applicants, and new candidates from ads, job portals and career pages as to coding and soft skills as well ad cultural fit, English fluency and programming problem solving.

Lower cost per hire

Having to resort to agencies to find candidates, although time-saving, results in expensive contract markups and direct placement fees, and often provides a less than perfect fit.

Find the most qualified, deeply vetted tech candidate internally.

Instantly AI match candidates to job descriptions with precision using error-free 1st part data to significantly reduce time to hire and employee turnover.

Get started

AI TalentSync Technology

Reduce time to fill and employee turnover


Import your HR CRM data, add resumes from job boards, career pages and ads and the AI TalentSync Technology does the rest.


The AI TalentSync Technology contacts prospects requesting they update their profile, availability and complete coding, soft skills, cultural fit and English fluency assessments.

Instantly Match

Input Job descriptions and instantly receive available , pre-vetted matches using our unbiased AI to save significant sourcing and onboarding time.

Reduce turnover

The Technology's deep machine learning AI updated daily reduces turnover rates, rehiring time and expense.

No internal fit?

Perfect matches for job descriptions are just a click away.

Access and browse for free our fast-growing Global Pros AI TalentSync Community, with thousands of deeply-vetted tech professionals from all over the world waiting to be hired.

Input job descriptions and Global Pros AI instantly and precisely matches those needs with the best qualified candidates in the Community.

AI TalentSync Technology

How it works

Browse our AI TalentSync Community free to see the AI TalentSync Technology in action. To start saving acquisition expense and tons of onboarding time while automatically creating an in-house tech talent pipeline, just sign up and follow the simple steps below.

On signup you're assigned a personal account representative to answer questions at your option regarding the AI TalentSync Community or hiring Community candidates.

Import you existing HR CRM data into the AI TalentSync Technology

and add prospects from outside sources. The Technology automatically contacts individuals who are not currently employees, updates their profiles and provides auto coding and soft skill as well as cultural fit assessments.

AI match input job descriptions with Technology candidates AND Community prospects to optimize your chances of locating the perfect fit.

Select qualified prospects, add them to your interview list and the Technology automatically schedules interviews.

Interview selected prospects. Choose the best fit and hire.


Global Pros is the creator of the AI TalentSync Technology. The Technology is used to build databases of auto-vetted technology job candidates which can be ranked per assessed skills and instantly matched with job descriptions using artificial intelligence.

It is important to note that the Technology database consists only of first party data and not parsed 3rd party data subject to error. 1st party data increases AI matching accuracy.

Our AI algorithms and machine learning models present unbiased, secure profiles, were developed using proposed national AI frameworks best practices, and are audited annually (See "Global Pros AI Explainability Statement")

The Technology automatically updates profiles, availability, and deeply auto-vets past employees, prior applicants, and new candidates from ads, job portals and career pages. Hiring internally saves contract hire salary markup and direct hire placement fees, plus saves valuable sourcing and onboarding time as the size of your database increases and matching AI algorithm improves over time.

Subscriptions begin at $295 per month and are based on data record volume uploaded and processed per month. The technology is free to sign up for and includes AI TalentSync Community which is free to browse for potential hires.

Only pay the subscription fee if you elect to use the Technology to import your IT HR database and optimize tech talent hiring internally. Hiring candidates from the Community is priced separately.

In addition to the AI TalentSync Technology, Global Pros provides each subscriber with a dedicated account representative, free project staffing consulting, managed team services, and 24/7 support.

Yes, Signing up for the Global Pros technology, which includes AI TalentSync Community is free. Browse the Community free. Only pay when you hire a candidate from the Community or chose to use the Technology internally.

Yes, in addition to a dedicated account representative.

Your account and data security are a top priorities at Global Pros. To ensure this, our application code, AI and machine-learning algorithms are hosted by AWS in conjunction with their most secure protocols and we follow GDPR data security requirements.

The Technology auto-assesses and ranks candidates' coding and soft skills as well as English language proficiency, cultural fit and programming challenge results.

Yes. Input job descriptions and select "Internal and Community". This gives you the opportunity to compare internal candidates with available, pre-vetted candidates from around the globe.